Sins – The Poison

Sins are a poison which destroy and devastate. The effect of sins is the same on the heart as the effect of poison on the body. Iblis being thrown out of paradise, losing the company of the angels as well as being made the accursed was not due to anything but the sin he committed. The extreme wind which devoured the people of ‘Aad and left them broken and trodden was not due to anything but the sin they committed. The thunderous sound which stopped the pounding hearts of the people of Thamud and spared none of them was not due to anything but the sin they committed. Raising the land of the people of Lut into the heavens so that the angels heard the barking of their dogs; then they were turned over and flung to their destruction was not due to anything but the sin they committed. The sending of clouds upon the people of Shuaib which rained down bolts of fire upon them was not due to anything but the sin they committed. The drowning of Pharaoh and his army; their bodies drowning and their souls torched was not due to anything but the sin they committed. The earth swallowing up Qaroon; his wealth and his property was not due to anything but the sin he committed. The filling of the earth with earthquakes; Tsunami’s, hurricanes, wars, destruction and despair, all these events occurred due to the transgression of man and his deviation from the sacred and divine law.

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