Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,QuranTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hajj, hearafter, heart, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 5, 2012
And We sent Shuaib to Madyan from their community; he said, “O my people! Worship Allah – you do not have any God except Him; indeed a clear proof has come to you from your Lord, so measure and weigh in full and do not give the people their goods diminished, and do not spread turmoil in the earth after it is organized; this is for your good, if you believe.” [Aa`raf 7:85]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily IslamTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muslim, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 4, 2012
“The world is three days: As for yesterday it has vanished along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work on it.” Hasan Al-Basri
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily IslamTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 4, 2012
Jinn are a distinct creation of Allah, who are invisible to humans. Allah created them from the pure flame of fire. They are male and female and have offspring. They exist here on earth and out of it. Like humans, some jinn worship Allah, but some do not. The ones who do not are known as the devils, whose head is Satan.
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, heart, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 4, 2012
Whoever from amongst you seeks to take an example, then let him take the example of those who have died. Indeed those who are living are not immune from fitna. Those were the companions of Muhammad (may Allaah grant him peace); they were those from this nation that possessed the purest hearts, the greatest level knowledge and they were the least excessive. They are the people whom Allaah specifically chose to be companions of His prophet (may Allaah grant him peace) and those who would establish His religion. So recognise their rights and cling to their guidance for indeed they were upon the guidance of the straight path”
[Majmu Fatawa 4/137 of Ibn Taymiyyah]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, friday, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 2, 2012
Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) said, “Our Lord, the Blessed, the Superior, comes every night down on the nearest Heaven to us when the last third of the night remains, saying: “Is there anyone to invoke Me, so that I may respond to invocation?
Is there anyone to ask Me, so that I may grant him his request?
Is there anyone seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?”
[Bukhari Book:21 No:246]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,QuranTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, friday, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 2, 2012
If it happens that a prompting from Satan should stir you up, seek refuge with Allah. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
If the God-fearing are instigated by any suggestion of Satan, they instantly become alert, whereafter they clearly perceive the Right Way.
QURAN [7:200-201]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,EventsTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, deen, dhikr, friday, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, surah, Surah Kahf, ummah, worldMarch 2, 2012
This earth, planets and stars were all created by Allah at a point in time. They did not always exist and they will perish by Allah’s will. On a day which only Allah knows (not even the angels or prophets know it), Allah will make everything on earth and in the skies die (including angels, Satan, and all devils) and then He will resurrect them all and judge humans and jinns on what they did during their lives. Because humans and jinn made the choice to be believers or non-believers, pious or sinners, they will be rewarded or punished, by Allah’s will, for what they believed, said, and did.
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, friday, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldFebruary 23, 2012
Narrated by Salman-Al-Farsi
The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “Whoever takes a bath on Friday, purifies himself as much as he can, then uses his (hair) oil or perfumes himself with the scent of his house, then proceeds (for the Jumua prayer) and does not separate two persons sitting together (in the mosque), then prays as much as (Allah has) written for him and then remains silent while the Imam is delivering the Khutba, his sins in-between the present and the last Friday would be forgiven.”
Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 13, Number 8
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, heart, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldFebruary 23, 2012
“Abu Huraira r.a related that the Prophet Rasulullah (s.a.w) said, ‘for any trouble, illness, worry, grief hurt, or sorrow which afflicts a Muslim, even the prick of a thorn, Allah removes in its stead some of his (minor) sins”(Bukhari, Muslim) So if this person remains patient then its something good but if he is not patient then it becomes evil.”
“Patience comes only by the help of Allah. He praised those who have patience and promised them the best of rewards: the rewards of others are defined and limited, but the reward of as-sabirun is without measure. Patience is vital at all levels of Islam, iman and ihsan, as well as being a major element in iman (faith) and tawakkul (putting one’s trust in Allah). Patience for the sake of Allah, by the help of Allah, and in accepting the decree of Allah.”
1. Patience for the sake of Allah, hoping for His rewards and fearing His punishment.
2. Patience by the help of Allah, as man realizes that he has no patience himself, and has no power to acquire patience. Rather, he knows: “there is no power and no strength except by (the help of) Allah.”
3. Patience in accepting the decree of Allah, as man realizes that Allah is the only one Who is controlling the affairs of the universe, so he will patiently accept the ruling and decree of Allah, regardless of what it may mean for him in the way of ease or hardship.
Patience is a half of Iman Iman is in two halves: half is patience (sabr) and half is gratitude (shukr). Therefore Allah has mentioned patience and gratitude alongside one another: “… Verily in this are signs for all who constantly persevere and give thanks” (Ibrahim 14: 5; Luqman 31:31; Saba 34: 19; ash-Shura 42: 33) The reasons why one half of iman is patience and the other half is gratitude are as follows: Iman is a term which covers words, deeds and intentions, all of which are based on one of two things, action or abstinence. Action refers to performing a deed in accordance with the instructions of Allah, which is the reality of gratitude. Abstinence, as in refraining from wrong action, requires patience. The whole of religion is embodied in these two things: carrying out that which Allah has commanded, and refraining from that which Allah has prohibited. Iman is based on two pillars, yaqin (conviction) and patience, which are referred to in the following ayah: “And We appointed, from among them, leaders, giving guidance under Our command, so long as they persevered with patience and continued to have faith in Our Signs” (As-Sajdah 32: 24) It is through faith that we know the reality of Allah’s commands and prohibitions, of reward and punishment, and it is through patience that we carry out His instructions and abstain from that which He has prohibited. Man is constantly being pulled in two opposing directions: should he respond to the lure of this world of desires and pleasures, or should he answer the call of Allah and the hereafter, with the eternal Paradise that Allah has prepared for His friend (Wali)? Going against the call of whims and desires is patience, and responding to the call of Allah and the hereafter is gratitude.
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,QuranTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, friday, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, ummah, worldFebruary 22, 2012
O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient. [2:153]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily IslamTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, friday, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldFebruary 22, 2012
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily IslamTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldFebruary 22, 2012

Seekers 101: Creed, Purification & Prayer
(March 17th, 2012)
Launching in Scarborough for the first time!
March 17-April 22, 2012
9:30am – 11:30 am
Saturday and Sunday Mornings only!
Materials, and online access to slides, documents and course readings provided!
The Islamic Foundations course offers students the opportunity to attain knowledge regarding the foundations of deen (religion). Insight is given into the belief system of Islam, and answers the thought provoking questions everyone ponders about life, our origin, and our final abode.
The course also entails precise details of ritual purification and step by step academic guidance on perfecting the prayer.
Lesson 1: Belief in Allah and the Angels
Lesson 2: Belief in the Divine Scriptures and the Prophets
Lesson 3: Belief in the Final Day
Lesson 4: Belief in Destiny
Lesson 5: The Rulings of Sacred Law, Purification, The Ritual Bath
Lesson 6: Ritual Ablution (Complete), Practical Ablution (Mathabah Shaykhah will be demonstrating for sisters)
Lesson 7: The Prayer, Conditions of Prayer, The Integrals of Prayer
Lesson 8: The Necessary Actions of Prayer, Performing the Prayer, Complete Description of Prayer
Lesson 9: Prayer Demonstrated, (Mathabah Shaykhah will be demonstrating for sisters)
Lesson 10: Disliked Actions of Prayer, Actions that Invalidate the Prayer, The Sunna Prayers
Lesson 11: The Path to Success
Lesson 12: Dealing with Doubts
Financial Aid is available!