peace be upon him
Posted in Daily IslamMarch 22, 2012No comments

Posted in Daily Islam,HadithMarch 22, 2012No comments
Messenger of Allah said, “Allah will make the path to the Garden easy for anyone who travels a path in search of knowledge. Angels spread their wings for the seeker of knowledge out of pleasure for what he is doing. Everyone in the heavens and everyone in the earth ask forgiveness for a man of knowledge, even the fish in the water. The superiority of the man of knowledge to the man of worship is like the superiority of the moon to all the planets. The men of knowledge are the heirs of the Prophets. The Prophets bequeath neither dinar nor dirham; they bequeath knowledge. Whoever takes it has taken an ample portion.” [at-Tirmidhi]
Posted in Daily Islam,HadithMarch 21, 2012No comments
Allah’s Apostle (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) said, “The Day of (Judgment) will not be established till there is a war between two groups whose claims (or religion) will be the same.”
[Bukhari Book:56 No:805]
Posted in Daily IslamMarch 20, 2012No comments
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “I wish that I could meet my brothers.” The Sahaabah asked: “Aren’t we your brothers?” He replied: “You are my Companions, but my brothers are those who will believe in me without having seen me.” [Sahih Al-Jaami #7108]
Posted in Daily Islam,QuranMarch 20, 2012No comments
And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and zakah as long as I remain alive (19:31)
Posted in Daily Islam,QuranMarch 20, 2012No comments
Say, “I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak From the evil of that which He created And from the evil of darkness when it settles (113:1-3)
Posted in Daily Islam,QuranMarch 20, 2012No comments
In Islam, Jesus was named as Isa. He was born as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occured by the decree of Allah (The God).
Like all prophets in islam Jesus is considered to have been a muslim.
Muslims believe that Jesus will return to earth as he preached that his followers should adopt “the straight path” as commanded by the God. God would do miracles through Jesus. Jesus came with clear miracles like other prophets. That’s why he did not say to his people “I am God, Worship me”. There is no such verses in any part of the QURAN or bible.
But Jesus said to his people “worship Allah. My Lord and your Lord.” (QURAN 5:117).
So Jesus is not God or son of God. Allah (Who created Jesus and sent him to the people as a messenger) is the only God and Muhammad is also His messenger. But He is the last of all the messengers.
Posted in Daily Islam,HadithMarch 20, 2012No comments
The Prophet used to stand (in the prayer) or pray till both his feet or legs swelled. He was asked why (he offered such an unbearable prayer) and he said, “should I not be a thankful slave.”
[Bukhari Book:21 No:230]
Posted in Daily IslamMarch 20, 2012No comments
Satan, the first jinn, was present with the angels when Allah ordered him and the angels to bow down in respect before Adam. Satan did not bow down in respect. He objected to Allah and said he was better than Adam, because he was made from fire whereas Adam was made from clay. Because of this objection, Allah banished Satan. Satan vowed that he would try to persuade humans into false belief and worship and shameful conduct. Allah promised that Satan and those who follow him will be the inhabitants of Hell on the Day of Judgment.
Satan is man’s accursed enemy and his vow to ruin many of mankind is not to be taken lightly. He attempts to confuse and ruin man by his prompting, making bad deeds seem good. A person is not sinful when Satan whispers to him; he is sinful if he believes and/or acts on the prompting. Although humans must believe that Satan exists and take the warning about him very seriously, we must remember that Allah has full power over Satan. Satan can do nothing against the will of Allah. When a believer of the true Religion strives to follow Allah’s orders and asks Allah for protection from Satan, he should not doubt Allah’s great protection and mercy.
Posted in Daily IslamMarch 19, 2012No comments
There is only one true Religion–that of believing the correct belief in Allah and His messengers, worshipping Allah only, loving, respecting, and following the prophet of the time, and loving and respecting other prophets. Every prophet and messenger followed and called people to the same Religion; this Religion is called ISLAM. A believer in Islam is called a MUSLIM. The meaning of Islam is “to submit to Allah”. The meaning of the word Muslim is “one who submits to Allah.” The name Allah is the name of the only true God. Although prophets and messengers spoke different languages, what they called people to was the same Religion. A person can declare that he believes and follows the true Religion–Islam–in any language, for belief is known to Allah regardless of the language. Those who say they are Muslim, yet deny the true belief in their heart, with their tongue, or by some actions, are surely not Muslim. Allah knows fully who are the ones who truly believe in Islam. Both messengers Moses and Jesus called their people to the true Religion–Islam–which is clearly described in the QUR’AN–the last and preserved scripture for all of mankind on earth.
Posted in Daily IslamMarch 16, 2012No comments
Posted in Daily Islam,EventsMarch 15, 2012No comments
Posted in Daily IslamMarch 15, 2012No comments
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)
When becoming humiliated, remember the Prophet Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him in Ta’if.
When being starved, remember the Prophet Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him tying two stones to his stomach in the battle of Khandaq.
When becoming angry, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him control of anger on the martyrdom of his beloved Uncle Hamza.
When losing a tooth, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him tooth in the battle of Uhud.
When bleeding from any part of the body, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him body covered in blood on his return from Ta’if.
When feeling lonely, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him seclusion in Mount Hira .
When feeling tired in Salaat, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him blessed feet in Tahajjud.
When being prickled with thorns, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him pain from Abu Lahab’s wife.
When being troubled by neighbours, remember the old woman who would empty rubbish on the Prophet Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.
When losing a child, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him son, Ibrahim.
When beginning a long journey, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him long journey to Madinah.
When going against a Sunnah, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him intercession, (Ummati, Ummati, Ummati) (My Ummah).
When sacrificing an animal, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him sacrifice of 63 animals for his Ummah.
When falling into an argument with your wife, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him encounter with Aisha and Hafsa.
When experiencing less food in the house, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him days of poverty.
When experiencing poverty, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him advice to Ashaab-e-Suffa (People of Suffa).
When losing a family member, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him departure from this world.
When becoming an orphan, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him age at six.
When sponsoring an orphan, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him sponsor for Zaid ibn Haritha.
When fearing an enemy, remember the Prophet’s Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him saying to Abu Bakr in Mount Thour .
Whatever situation you may find yourself in, remember your role model,:The Prophet Muhammad Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.
Posted in Daily IslamMarch 12, 2012No comments
12 Foods Which Muhammad (SAW)
Liked And Their Benefits From Tib Al-Nabwi :
1. Barley:
Good for fever when used in a soup form.
2. Dates:
The Prophet (SAW) said that a house without dates has no food. It should also be eaten at the time of childbirth.
3. Figs:
It is a fruit from paradise and a cure for piles.
4. Grapes:
The Prophet (SAW) was very fond of grapes – it purifies the blood, provides vigour and health, strengthens the kidneys and clears the bowels.
5. Honey:
Considered the best remedy for diarrhoea when mixed in hot water. It is the food of foods, and drink of drinks. It is used for creating appetite, strengthening the stomach, eliminating phlegm; as a meat preservative, hair conditioner, eye soother and mouthwash. It is extremely beneficial in the morning in warm water.
6. Melon:
The Prophet (SAW) said: ‘None of your women who are pregnant and eat of water melon will fail to produce off spring that is good in countenance
7. Milk:
The Prophet (SAW) said that milk wipes away heat from the heart just as the finger wipes away sweat from the brow. It strengthens the back, improved the brain, renews vision and drives away forgetfulness.
8. Mushroom:
The Prophet (SAW) said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes; it also serves as a form of birth control and arrests paralysis.
9. Olive Oil:
Excellent treatment for skin and hair, delays old age, and treats inflammation of the stomach.
10. Pomegranate:
The Prophet (SAW) said it cleanses you of Satan and evil aspirations for 40 days.
11. Vinegar:
A food Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to eat with olive oil.
12. Water:
The Prophet (SAW) said the best drink in this world when you are thirsty is water