Ka’aba – The House of God. built by Prophet Ibrahim (a.s)

The House of God.
built by Prophet Ibrahim (a.s)

“The Ka’aba is astronomically aligned to the star Suhayl. Suhayl is called Canopus, it’s in the constellation of Carina. Interestingly enough, spacemen & astronauts do not use the North Star when they go out of the Earth’s orbit, they use Suhayl. It’s the star that they use to make sure they are on course when they get out into the heavens. The Kaaba is ma’thaba, it’s a sacred place, it’s a sanctuary. It’s called al Haram- haram means sanctuary. Turks call their houses salaam lak and haraam lak. Salaam lak is where you greet people. Haraam lak is the sanctuary- where the family resides…Align your lives to the prayer.”

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