Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهApril 2, 2012
Making jokes appears to be a popular form of entertainment for the youths. But how often are these jokes, and pranks based on lies? How often do people make excuses and say its only a joke…but SubhanAllah read the words of the Rasool Sallahualaiwasalm.
“Woe to the one who lies to make people laugh, WOE TO HIM, WOE TO HIM!”
At-Tirmidhi [2315]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهMarch 30, 2012
Messenger of Allah said, ‘Allah Almighty says, “O son of Adam! I will forgive you as long as you call on Me and have hope in Me, no matter what you do.
Son of Adam, I do not care if your wrong actions reach to the clouds of heaven and then you ask Me for forgiveness, I will forgive you.
Son of Adam, if you were to come with sins equivalent in weight to the whole earth and then meet Me having not associated anything with Me, I would come to you with the same amount of forgiveness.'” [at-Tirmidhi]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهMarch 30, 2012
Messenger of Allah said, “May Allah bless a man who hears something from me and transmits it as he heard it. Many a person to whom something is transmitted retains more than the person who first heard it.” [at-Tirmidhi]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهMarch 29, 2012
Messenger of Allah (Sallallähu alaihi wa sallam) said, “The believer is the brother of the believer, and it is not lawful for a believer is sell against the sale of his brother nor propose marriage in the face of his brother’s marriage proposal unless he withdraws.” [Muslim]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهMarch 27, 2012

“Don’t laugh too much! For verily, excessive laughter kills the heart!”
Ibn Maajah [4193].
Refer to Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah [506].
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهMarch 26, 2012
The Prophet (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) said, “A woman is married for four things, i.e., her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion.
So you should marry the religious woman (otherwise) you will be a losers.
[Bukhari Book:62 No:27]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهMarch 24, 2012
May Allah SWT accept our patience and replace what ever was lost with something better, whether in this life or the akhira(Ameen). May Allah swt make us righteous, grant us the highest place of Jannah and help us race to do good deeds for the sake of Allah s.w.t alone (Ameen). SubhanAllah I can’t comprehend how much patience our muslim brothers and sisters must have in their worn and torn surroundings and to have at their houses raided or disintegrated, their babies, children, their spouses, parents, blown, shot or severed.
Hadith – Al-Tirmidhi #1570, Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah
Allah’s Messenger s.a.w said, “On the Day of Resurrection, when people who have suffered affliction are given their reward, those who are healthy will wish their skins had been cut to pieces with scissors when they were in the world.”
Hadith – Al-Tirmidhi 1562, Narrated Sa’d
When the Rasulullah s.a.w was asked which people suffered the greatest affliction, he replied, “The prophets, then those who come next to them, then those who come next to them. A man is afflicted in keeping his religion. If he is firm in his religion his trial is severe, but if there is weakness in his religion it is made light for him, and it continues like that till he walks on the earth having no sin.”
Hadith – Al-Bukhari
A traveller’s or sick person’s deeds are recorded in accordance with what he used to do when he was resident or well.
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهMarch 23, 2012
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) said, “For every Prophet there is one invocation which is definitely fulfilled by Allah, and I wish, if Allah will, to keep my that (special) invocation as to be the intercession for my followers on the Day of Resurrection.”
Sahih Al Bukhari
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهMarch 22, 2012
Messenger of Allah said, “Allah will make the path to the Garden easy for anyone who travels a path in search of knowledge. Angels spread their wings for the seeker of knowledge out of pleasure for what he is doing. Everyone in the heavens and everyone in the earth ask forgiveness for a man of knowledge, even the fish in the water. The superiority of the man of knowledge to the man of worship is like the superiority of the moon to all the planets. The men of knowledge are the heirs of the Prophets. The Prophets bequeath neither dinar nor dirham; they bequeath knowledge. Whoever takes it has taken an ample portion.” [at-Tirmidhi]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهMarch 21, 2012
Uthman bin `Affan (Ma be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, “He who performs the Wudu’ perfectly (i.e., according to Sunnah), his sins will depart from his body, even from under his nails.”[Muslim]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, azaan, BEARD, believers, Bismillah, blessings, BROTHERHOOD, bukhari, call for prayer, Charity, creator, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, death, deeds, deen, dhikr, DU'A, forgivness, friday, guidance, hadith, hajj, HALAL, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, I BEAR WITNESS, IQRA, islam, jannah, JESUS, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, masjid, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, SLAVE, Soul, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, tafseer, ummah, world, YA ALLAH, zakat, اللهMarch 21, 2012
Allah’s Apostle (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) said, “The Day of (Judgment) will not be established till there is a war between two groups whose claims (or religion) will be the same.”
[Bukhari Book:56 No:805]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, arafah, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, friday, hadith, hajj, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, ummah, worldMarch 20, 2012
The Prophet used to stand (in the prayer) or pray till both his feet or legs swelled. He was asked why (he offered such an unbearable prayer) and he said, “should I not be a thankful slave.”
[Bukhari Book:21 No:230]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 13, 2012
The Prophet said, “A man said; by Allah! Allah will not forgive so and so! So Allah Almighty said; who is he who swore by Me that I will not forgive so and so? I have forgiven him and nullified your good deeds.”
[Muslim 6350]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, friday, hadith, hearafter, heart, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 12, 2012
The Prophet said, “No one who has the weight of a mustard seed of arrogance in his hearts will enter Paradise.”
“Allah is beautiful. He loves beauty. Arrogance means rejecting the truth and looking down on people”
[Muslim 0164]

Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 12, 2012
Allah’s Apostle (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) said, “Whoever drinks alcoholic drinks in the world and does not repent (before dying), will be deprived of it in the Hereafter.”
[Bukhari Book:69 No:481]

Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, friday, hadith, hajj, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, ummah, worldMarch 9, 2012
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said, “The generous man is near Allah, near Paradise, near men and far from Hell, but the miserly man is far from Allah, far from Paradise, far from men and near Hell. Indeed, an ignorant man who is generous is dearer to Allah than a worshipper who is miserly.” (Tirmidhi Hadith 1869)
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, Surah Kahf, ummah, worldMarch 8, 2012
The Prophet said, “No one who has the weight of a mustard seed of arrogance in his hearts will enter Paradise.”
“Allah is beautiful. He loves beauty. Arrogance means rejecting the truth and looking down on people”
[Muslim 0164]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 6, 2012
The Prophet (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) said, “Allah will bring forth the severest Hour, and then all the Believers, men and women, will prostrate themselves before Him, but there will remain those who used to prostrate in the world for showing off and for gaining good reputation.
Such people will try to prostrate (on the Day of Judgment) but their back swill be as stiff as if it is one bone (a single vertebra).”
[Bukhari Book:60 No:441]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, allahu akbar, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, heart, help, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, jumma, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, worldMarch 6, 2012
Umar saw a silken cloak being sold in the market and he brought it to Allah’s Apostle (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) and said, “O Allah’s Apostle! Buy this cloak and adorn yourself with it on the ‘Id festivals and on meeting the delegations.”
Allah’s Apostle (sallallähu alaihi wasallam) replied, “This is the dress for the one who will have no share in the Hereafter (or, this is worn by one who will have no share in the Hereafter).
[Bukhari Book:52 No:289]
Written by oneloveIslamPosted in Daily Islam,HadithTags: 1 LOVE ISLAM, akhira, allah, ayaah, bukhari, call for prayer, dawah, DAY OF JUDGEMENT, deen, dhikr, hadith, hearafter, heart, HOLY QURAN, islam, jannah, kaaba, laillaha ilallah, last messenger, life, madinah, makkah, mecca, mohammed, muhammed, muslim, ONE ALLAH, ONE LOVE ISLAM, peace be upon him, prayer, prophet, QURAN, REMEMBERANCE, SALAH, sunnah, surah, ummah, worldMarch 4, 2012
Whoever from amongst you seeks to take an example, then let him take the example of those who have died. Indeed those who are living are not immune from fitna. Those were the companions of Muhammad (may Allaah grant him peace); they were those from this nation that possessed the purest hearts, the greatest level knowledge and they were the least excessive. They are the people whom Allaah specifically chose to be companions of His prophet (may Allaah grant him peace) and those who would establish His religion. So recognise their rights and cling to their guidance for indeed they were upon the guidance of the straight path”
[Majmu Fatawa 4/137 of Ibn Taymiyyah]